Hello! My name is Dominik Reh, I'm a young developer from Germany.
I'm definitely on the creative side and try to get a different perspective on things. My deep-rooted natural curiosity is a big motivator there too, I always try to stay on top of technological trends and experiment with random ideas a lot. 90% of said ideas don't see the light of day, but hey, at least I'm seldomly bored!
I love reading, especially Science Fiction and Fantasy, and I'm fascinated by everything space-related.
So far I'm not working in a professional scope, but I nonetheless usually have some hobby project running at all times.
My heart especially beats for everything graphics and UI/UX. I have the most experience in web development, but I'm also pretty confident in my "classic" application development skills.
Another topic I am very interested in but mainly explore in theory at the moment is Artificial Intelligence. One might say, I welcome our future robot overlords.
Like probably any other human ever, I like to listen to music and play video games from time to time, and I'm always up for a tabletop RPG.
My second love besides programming is languages. Although I'm only fluent in German and English so far, I'm fascinated by the differences or similarities languages from across the globe show when compared to one another. Especially the major East Asian languages interest me, so learning Japanese, Chinese, and Korean is definitely on my bucket list.